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Sleepless in Seattle
- Con: Jay McGuiness, Kimberley Walsh
Tienimi informato
Avvisatemi quando saranno in vendita i biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle.
- Informazioni
- Biglietti Scontati
Sleepless in Seattle a Londra
Jay McGuiness, Kimberley Walsh
***** You will see bubbles of 2, 3, 4 or single seats on the seat plan where available - please only book the whole set of seats displayed.
If you have 2 people in your party, you may only book one of the bubbles of 2 seats. If you have 3 people in your party you may only book one of the bubbles of 3. The same applies for parties of 1 or 4. If you do not find the right bubble size on this date, please book a different date.
If you break the bubbles we will have to contact you to shift your booking in line with social distancing *****
When eight-year-old Jonah phones a Seattle radio show and gets his dad, Sam, to talk live on air about the heart-breaking loss of his mother, Sam instantly touches hearts across America. Nearly 3,000 miles away, journalist Annie starts to ask herself whether Sam could be more than just a great news story. It looks like love is in the airwaves, but how do you
know if he’s the one for you if you’ve never even met? Perhaps only a last-minute dash to the top of the Empire State Building can prove that somewhere there’s someone for everyone.
Sleepless is directed by Morgan Young with a book by Michael Burdette and two new British writers – music by Robert Scott and lyrics by Brendan Cull. Morgan Large designs and this new musical romance is beautifully brought to life with a full cast and orchestra.
Biglietti teatrali ufficiali per Sleepless in Seattle
Il nostro sistema centrale di prenotazione ti collega direttamente al sistema di biglietteria Troubadour Theatre - Wembley. Forniamo disponibilità completa e in tempo reale per i biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle, da VIP e premium, a biglietti scontati, aiutandoti a scegliere i biglietti perfetti per il tuo budget. Scegli i tuoi posti dalla nostra mappa interattiva dei posti e ricevi i biglietti per il teatro via email immediatamente dopo la prenotazione. Presenta semplicemente i tuoi biglietti elettronici al teatro il giorno stesso e sperimenta ciò che Londra e il West End hanno di meglio da offrire: la magia del teatro. Acquistare i biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle non è mai stato così facile.
Informazioni sui biglietti
- Prestazioni fino a:
sabato 3 ottobre 2020
- Durata:
1 hour 55 minutes
- Limiti di età
Recommended Age: 5+
- Informazioni importanti
A message from the Troubadour Theatre Wembley: It is our utmost priority to keep you safe during your visit to the theatre. In accordance with our COVID-safe operating procedures, a number of new measures have been put in place at the venue, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
When you arrive at the theatre, a contactless temperature check will take place. If your temperature is 37.8°C or higher, regretfully you will not be able to enter the theatre. A contactless bag check will also take place, and we will ask you to record your contact details for NHS Test and Trace.
Please do not come to the theatre if you, or anyone in your household or support bubble has displayed any symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days, including a new, continuous cough, high temperature or a loss of taste or smell, or if you have returned from a country on the UK’s quarantine list within the last 14 days.
Please ensure that your whole group has arrived, before entering the venue together. You must attend the theatre only with people from your household/support bubble.
Social distancing measures will be in place during your visit. Please follow the instructions of staff and signage, maintaining a two metre distance at all times.
You must wear a face covering at all times whilst at the theatre. When seated in the auditorium, you may momentarily remove your face covering in order to eat or drink.
- Cancellazioni e rimborsi
Una volta prenotati, i biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle sono generalmente non scambiabili né rimborsabili secondo i nostri termini e condizioni. Nella pratica, però, faremo del nostro meglio per accogliere la tua richiesta purché ci venga notificato almeno 48 ore prima dello spettacolo. Vi preghiamo di contattarci per ulteriori informazioni.
Biglietti economici per Sleepless in Seattle
Guarda Sleepless in Seattle a Londra! Possiamo farti risparmiare fino al 70% sui biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle! Se sei alla ricerca di biglietti per teatro scontati, dai un'occhiata qui sotto alle nostre offerte per Sleepless in Seattle al Troubadour Theatre - Wembley.
Non ci sono offerte speciali disponibili al momento, ma abbiamo ancora ottimi prezzi dei biglietti per Sleepless in Seattle al Troubadour Theatre - Wembley.